Uncharted 3 was going to include horrible enemies: half turkey, half men

For Thanksgiving, a very popular date especially in the United States, from Naughty Dog have revealed us a secret of the most curious related to the Saga Uncharted.

The adventures of Nathan Drake have always put us in front of some kind of horrendous creature, fruits of curses. So we have brought us an idea that they used to add a seasonal enemy type as part of the content of the game, in the form of evil turkeys.

As you can see, the design gives authentic fear and seem taken from The Last of US 2. There are two different models, one of them more muscular, that from a blow you saw TORRO. Finally, they were not added in the game, so they wanted to teach how they were. It is always great to discover things that developers have left in the inkwell.

UNCHARTED 3 DRAKE'S DECEPTION Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL GAME [4K 60FPS PS4 PRO] No Commentary

Uncharted 3 has recently completed its tenth anniversary and is one of the most beloved deliveries in the saga. Soon we will have more of Nathan Drake, both with the movie that will arrive on February 18 as with a removable version of Uncharted 4 and its expansion the lost legacy.


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