MAG 2021: An intimate and colorful event comes to an end

After three successful days, the digital likes its gates for 2021 and leaves a sense of anticipation for the coming year. The live program on Twitch bonded thousands of spectators and could inspire with exciting topics. And the fight for the colors in Mag City will be missing us. We'll let us review the online fair in a brief review.

The fight for Mag City: The MMO was a bright joy

Most recently, we entered the digital halls of the Indie Arena Booth on the Games com 2021 and felt the concept as extremely successful. The browser game of the MAG Online 2021 was still a fat slice.

Instead of visiting only the digital stalls and to be able to deal with community members, the new competition mechanics to make Megan and Maggie another incentive to discover the convention and enjoy full trains.

We closed our team Maggie and held the task of diving the individual areas of the fair in our color (pink). For this purpose, so-called color spots, which could be taken again and again during time intervals — quite similar to Capture the flag.

In addition, many hidden secrets attracted experiences that push our own level in height. But the biggest fun prepared collecting the many hidden stickers and patches, which were distributed with 100 and 12 pieces on the whole fair — Collective fever I'm coming!

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Thus, playfully discovered all areas and strolled past various game stations, artists and influencers. The interaction was perfectly rounded off Clever Connections to Game Demos on Steam, Discord servers, shop pages and the Twitch Livestream Perfect.

Unfortunately, we had to detect a overload of the game what the hunt for the colors temporarily made quite difficult. Nevertheless, we had a lot of fun, even if we had to give ourselves with team Maggie unfortunately. That screams for a revenge!

Here you can see the competition mechanics again in moving pictures:

Twitch program: An intimate round with fun warranty

Of course, the Mag 2021 has been accompanied by a rich streaming program on Twitch in addition to the interactive MMO. From Friday to Sunday there was a full and continuous program.

Moderated by FISH COP and accompanied by other content-creator like Lara Loft, Pietetsmiet, Milschbaum and Co. provided the LiveStream the perfect accompaniment in a cozy atmosphere. Especially at a time in which the weather is more inviting to stay inside, and the Corona situation makes the visit of a real trade fair impossible.

The individual program points were not only exciting and interesting, especially the sympathetic moderators and guests also caused a really relaxed and almost family experience.

From funky cooking challenges, about interesting tabletop rounds to exciting interviews was the right thing for every taste. If you want to look at the program in peace, you can still enjoy the stream recording on Twitch.

We look back with positive feelings on the mag online 2021 and can hardly expect to experience the event 2022 again. Then maybe again in physical form at the fair itself — and if not, we have nothing to obey a renewed digital sticker hunt in the browser.


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