Shroud reveals why he thinks the new world is declining

GameMaker Studio (previously called Animo, Game Maker and Gamemaker) is a platform based on an interpreted programming language and a software development kit (SDK) to develop videogames, originally created by Professor Mark Overmars in the Delphi programming language, and oriented to novice users or with few notions of programming. The program is for payment, although there is a trial version with all the features, for 30 days. Overmars made public the first version of the program on November 15, 1999.

SHROUD - NEW WORLD ADVENTURES 【PART 1 】  NEW MMORPG It has been less than a month since Nuevo World was released by Amazon Game Studios, and although the game had a strong debut and a good number of rumors, the interest in the MMO seems to be decreasing a bit. Michael «Shroud» Grzeesiek has been a great admirer of the game since its launch, but it seems very aware of the problems you face. The new World. During a recent stream, Shroud attributed decreasing interest to the lack of final game content and things in which players must work. While Shroud believes that Amazon Game Studios is working to solve it, it is possible that it does not arrive soon.

«It s really hard. I know Amazon Game Studios is coming into panic behind, and they are doing everything possible to solve it. I know, Shroud said. «You really can not blame the developers, because I know with certainty that this is a number one priority for them. Because they know how big the problem is.

Shroud has dedicated a lot of time the game since its launch and has told the players who do not have time to work that they will not want to bother to invest in it. The new World. However, now it seems that the transmitter could be changing its tone a bit. While Shroud did not say anything specifically about the newer players, he did indicate during the transmission that could go back a little, since there are fewer reasons to do it.

I do not think he would leave it completely, but I would definitely relax. There is no reason to pump so many hours if you are not trying for anything, said Shroud.

Time will tell if New world, it manages to maintain a faithful audience, or if players will begin to decrease completely. Maintaining great interest in an MMO is not an easy task and many developers have had difficulty doing it. For now, we will only have to wait and see if Amazon Game Studios can make the players return to New world. Meanwhile, readers can consult our previous game coverage right here.

Have you been a fan of new world So far? Do you think the game is going to start losing interest? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games!


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