NEW WORLD: Pacifistic player achieved without Kills Level 60

Although the fight against other players and NPCs are the main content of Amazon s MMO New World, there are other types and ways to levels. Although this is not very effective, but quite possible how the player has proven Orobozinho now. In just over ten days of pure playing, he has managed it to level 60 without having to grab the weapon. This also prove his statistics, according to which he has killed exactly 0 opponents of any manner.

New World: So you get without kills on level 60

He has gained his experience points mainly over the craft - both about the collective occupations and about the manufacturing arts. No wonder he has easily reached level 200 in mining, lumberjack and harvesting, as well as in melting and woodworking. In addition, the fairly worthwhile city missions, which, of course, was limited to those who were the submission of manufactured products. Every now and then he did the one or the other reconnaissance mission.

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An exception was - but the game statistics is merciful

However, there was an exception. Because to play as a pacifist, Amazon lets Amazon in New World (Buy Now 39.99 €). So the player concerned had to kill some mobs during the tutorial to get started at all. But these dive in the statistics of the game. But then he lay down the weapons and played as a craftsman and collector by Aeternum. Actually much more realistic. Because we ll be honest. How many of us would rush with a weapon in the fight and how many would stay behind the safe city walls and go through their day-to-day business or collect themselves with wood chops and herbs?


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