Wow: from a woman s fruit

After the sexism complaint, Blizzard seems to clean all the games of content that could be too sexy or offensive. Successes such as My Sack Is Gigantique or Bros. Before Ho Ho Hos , which appear peculiar to women. Granted, through the German translation, players with German language edition usually do not get much with.

In addition to success names, but now icons like those of the love rocket mount are adapted by the love-in-the-air event. The icon is no longer shaped at the top, but now looks like a firework racket - fits better to the appearance of the mount. Wow: From Woman Will Fruit - Sexy Content is gradually removed from game (5) Source: Now the developers also put on the art of vanilla hand. Paintings hanging everywhere in Azeroth on the walls will be replaced if they show, for example, too much female chest. The implementation is quite drastically. For example, the Lady in Rabenholdt is simply a picture that shows fruit.

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How some other paintings in Wow (Buy Now 14.99 €) was also this picture to a work of art beyond real life, the original comes from the Renaissance Master Titian and bears the name Reclining Nude or Venus of Orbino. Now it s a fruit bowl in Azeroth.

In the Si: 7 building in Stormwind also a feminine person, which has shown a pretty much cutout. Instead of replacing this painting by something else, it has modernized it and the woman s breasts better covered.

Previous picture Sliderachher

Do you find other pictures, allusions or inappropriate things in WOW that Blizzard would have to remove from the game in the future in the future if you want to stay faithful to this line? Write us in the comments!

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