The Creator of the SFII cover has passed away

Unfortunately, the videogame industry is located in mourning. During the weekend, it became known that

Although McGinty devoted himself to creating landscape paints over the past few years, During the 90s worked with companies like Capcom and Sega to create Western games of games such as Street Fighter II, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3 , Kid Chameleon, Shining Force , the Zoo Series Tycon and many more titles. Regarding the death of him, this was what the son of him said:

My dad was an incredible artist, as everyone knows. And in the true fashion of artist, he was not never satisfied with the final work of him either. Just a couple of weeks ago, he said he needed only an hour more in some pieces to be able to do it. However, we all knew that this was not true. Dad always came to visit our house, I saw some of the paintings he did for us over the years, and put his nose in an inch of them and said: You know, Jobe, I would like to have done those blue a little deeper , or you know I would love to simply splash a little more shadows in that tree or that really needs a new varnish coat.

McGinty was interviewed for the next documentary of STREET Fighter II He eats New Challenger . In this way, we will have a more opportunity to listen to the artist talk about him.

Rest in peace, Mick McGinty

Via: Nintendo Life


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